More About Who We Are

About Us

Learn more about The Milestone House & our history helping others.


Years of Experience

Our Philosophy & History

Helping Others is in Our Nature

The Milestone House has been passionate about recovery since its inception in 2002. 

After 20 years of serving the community, we proudly transitioned into a non-profit agency with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Our houses are accredited by the New Jersey Alliance of Recovery Residence. We currently have five facilities located in historic Dover, New Jersey.

Our Mission:

To provide an environment where residents are afforded the opportunity to be law-abiding, productive members of society; healthy in body, mind and spirit; and of maximum helpfulness to others.


Years in Business


Caring Staff


Sober Beds Available


Residents Over the Years

How We Can Help

A Community of Passionate, Recovering Individuals

Here is the opportunity to transform your life in a supportive and friendly environment.  Men and women ages 18 and over are welcome at The Milestone House.  A large percentage of our residents have multiple years of recovery, highlighting the essence of the transformative experience of our sober homes.

We offer many amenities and comforts, but what is truly priceless is the energy of our environment; a spirit of love, tolerance, helpfulness, serenity and usefulness- absolute results from the working and re-working of the 12-steps. You will be encouraged to join us at all of our on-site, solution-based meetings and workshops and to truly experience a “new freedom and happiness”.

The spirit of Milestone embodies our mission, resulting in the creation of an environment that is conducive to growth and experiential learning. We sincerely believe that our “mission-driven” community synergizes action, support, and accountability. Spiritual awakening (the result of working 12-steps) is witnessed as we move from philosophical ideas to actualized “real life” results. As the recovery process unfolds, consciousness awakens to itself and is realized within each committed resident.

Check Out Our Testimonials

Stories of Hope & Recovery

The People Behind the Passion

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Board
Meet Our Team

Mike Frank

Founder & CEO

Nikoleta Danicic

Program Director

Rebecca Carney

Assistant Director

Jessica Gee

Program Manager

Savanna Cappello

Support Staff

Kenneth Eccher

Support Staff

Justus Sullivan

Support Staff

Ryan Kimbaris

Support Staff

Danika Frank

Support Staff

John D’Agostini

Support Staff & Driver

Annika Franklin

Director of Philanthropy

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Founder & CEO

Mike Frank

Mike has a passion for helping others who suffer with addiction and he is proud to be in long-term recovery. In 2003, he founded The Milestone House which has become a premier Sober Living Program. The Milestone House is certified by New Jersey Alliance of Recovery Residences (NJARR) and is granted a waiver to offer “supportive recovery services” from the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA).

Program Director

Nikoleta Danicic

Nikoleta received a BA in Philosophy from Baruch College, a City University of New York. Being in long term recovery herself, Nikoleta has passionately managed The Milestone House since 2007. As the company grew and expanded, Nikoleta pursued more education by completing all CADC classes as well as becoming a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS). Being a dedicated 12 step member herself, Nikoleta, as well as her team, believe that 12 step spiritual immersion and applying spiritual principles are some of the key components to successful recovery. As a Director of Milestone House, Nikoleta works closely with the owner Mike Frank and oversees Milestone House Staff as well as all aspects of day-to-day operations.

Assistant Director

Rebecca Carney-Guerra

Rebecca received her BA in Education in 2005 from Centenary University. While navigating her own journey of recovery and service work, Rebecca was motivated to pursue a field more fitting of her passion for 12-Step recovery. In 2018, she was inspired to join the team. She enjoys sharing the journey with residents, shoulder to shoulder. Her hope is to inspire, encourage, and challenge them along the way. Her favorite experiences in the community include witnessing the magic of peer support, and fostering the fundamental tools that lead to long term recovery. As Assistant Director, Rebecca oversees the admissions process, connects with families to offer support, facilitates staff scheduling, chairs a weekly community meeting to introduce newcomers, and participates in the management operations of each sober living home.

Program Manager

Jessica Gee

Jessica Gee has been a member of the local 12 step recovery community since 2010. A successful alumnus of Milestone House, Jessica has maintained connection over the years and volunteered in various capacities at Milestone House for a decade. Jessica completed her CPRS certification and officially joined our team in September 2021. Her gratitude for her recovery and dedication to spiritual growth shows in her positive attitude as a behavioral tech and supportive staff for our residents. A mother of four wonderful kids, Jessica brings a nurturing and caring quality to our team.

House Manager, Support Staff & Driver

John D’Agostini

As a Support Staff and Driver, as well as the men’s M3 house manager, John D’Agostini has turned his recovery into the pursuit of aiding others on their journey to sobriety. Once a Milestone member himself, and now a humbled leader of several local weekly twelve-step meetings, John aims to add levity, joy, and spirituality to his twelve-step philosophy. His duties include transporting residents to and from the house, managing the day-to-day maintenance of M3, and offering support in any form to residents—whether that be addressing housing concerns, offering advice, or playing a jam session on the guitar. He lives by the mantra: “We can only keep what we have by giving it away,” as it is the beautiful paradox of the 12 Steps…“For in giving, we receive.”

Director of Philanthropy

Annika Franklin

As Director of Philanthropy for The Milestone House, Annika’s mission is to establish Milestone at the center of a network of resources to the mutual benefit of our immediate and greater communities. Coming from a background in the arts, Annika is passionate about creativity in recovery and celebrating the redirected energy that Milestone alumni and others offer the world in sobriety. She holds a Masters of Fine Arts from The American Repertory Theater/Moscow Art Theater Institute at Harvard University, and a BA from Oberlin College, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and with high honors. Feel free to reach out to Annika with questions about donations, be they monetary, goods, or food, and with things you’d like see on our social media accounts